Internal Drainage Board for Welland and Deepings Area
Covering an area of 32,400 hectares from Peterborough and Stamford in the south to Fosdyke and Kirton in the north.
Got a question about our drainage network?
Go to our frequently asked questions.
Providing you with access to all our documentation
A range of documents including Finance, Board Policy, Legislation, notices and other useful information.
Our network spans 32,400 hectares in the south of Lincolnshire
Check if the watercourse you are interested in is in our area.
Latest News from Welland and Deepings Internal Drainage Board
Incident of flooding or similar emergencies?
Call our office on 01775 725 861
Out of hours numbers 07950 035 678 or 07841 918 369
For emergency use only and all other enquiries should be made to the head office.
The Welland and Deepings Internal Drainage Board
The Welland and Deepings Internal Drainage Board is a public body responsible for land drainage and flood defence in and around the Spalding area. We work in co-operation with the Environment Agency, local authorities and other drainage boards to help protect land and property from potential flood risk.